Pigneto area

map of Pigneto neighborhood in Rome

Pigneto neighborhood

Located outside Rome’s historic centre, Pigneto is a lively area day and night. It stands out for its village-like appearance with small one or two storey houses, and towards the east a motley mixture of popular buildings and houses.
Social life and nightlife have developed over the past fifteen years when youth and artists settled here. It is also a multi-ethnic neighborhood, where many foreigners from several continents live.
There are many bars (especially beer bars), clubs, restaurants, associations, small booksellers, cultural spaces and theaters (Hamlet, Diamante, Nuovo Cinema Aquila). Part of the Via del Pigneto is the pedestrian zone with most of the establishments, where the market is also held in the morning. It is the heart of the most lively area, formed by a triangle east of Porta Maggiore, between Via Prenestina and Via Casilina.
It benefits from two metro stations open with the recent line C and knows however a beginning of gentrification.

Close to the student district of San Lorenzo, he shares with the latter his proletarian history as his anti-fascist activism. It was in the 1950s and 1960s, a “suburb of Rome”, which inspired directors like Luchino Visconti, Dino Risi and Pier Paolo Pasolini.


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